Digital Security

Specialists in User Authentication, SSL Certificates, Digital Signature and Biometrics.

Biometric Signature

Mobile biometric technology enables data capture

such as the handwritten signature, fingerprint or ID capture, and incorporate them with certificates on electronic documents for validation from a tablet or smartphone.

PKI Platform

Get this service from CertiSur and simplify user identity management in your networks, directories and business applications. Take control and automate the lifecycle of your certificates!

Main advantages

PKI Usability Solutions

CertiSur developed four tools that facilitate the integration of digital signature and authentication functionalities:

Do you know how to validate a digital signature?

The digital signature has become a resource that is increasingly used by companies, and its contributions to efficiency and mobility are a great incentive for its users. But do you know how to verify a digital signature? We tell you how to do it.

Code Signing Certificate Requirements

The Industry postponed implementation until June 1, 2023.

WildCard SSL Certificate vs SAN (Multi-Domain) SSL Certificate

WildCard SSL Certificate vs SAN (Multi-Domain) SSL Certificate: Which to Choose? Let's clarify the use of these two SSL certificates.